Will we see realtime results for site: queries?

“Real-time Indexation” on Google, when we use, site:www.sitename.com; is this a possibility in the near future? If yes, when? If no, can this be implemented sometime soon, since when using site:www.sitename.com, we often get various many results?

SubhasishGhosh, Bangalore, India


6 thoughts on “Will we see realtime results for site: queries?”

  1. @sayweb : no mate… wished to ask it maself… cause i work as webmaster, and at times, site: results aint kinda stable. As for ma name, it aint Hashish… hehehehehehe… am from India originally though lived in the UK. And in ma native language, ma name means: Subhasish = Subha + Asish; where: Subha = auspicious (or holy) & Asish = blessings. So my name means: "Auspicious Blessings" or "Subhasish"… hehehehehe )))))

  2. Hi guys, this is Subhasish, who asked the question. Yes, as you guys have rightly mentioned, Matt being a very smart guy successfully dodged the main question. I wished to know whether INDEXATION OF PAGES FROM SITES can become real-time results and not what end-user SERP results. Anyways, a nice answer… thanks all )))

  3. This definitely is a misleading answer, but the question isn't that useful itself.

    Although, Matt, you never answered the question, what I would like to know is whether we will ever be able to see a real-time Indexation, or, at least, a much more frequent link: query.

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