“Real-time Indexation” on Google, when we use, site:www.sitename.com; is this a possibility in the near future? If yes, when? If no, can this be implemented sometime soon, since when using site:www.sitename.com, we often get various many results?
SubhasishGhosh, Bangalore, India
watched guys,is very cool easy to understand!!
@sayweb : no mate… wished to ask it maself… cause i work as webmaster, and at times, site: results aint kinda stable. As for ma name, it aint Hashish… hehehehehehe… am from India originally though lived in the UK. And in ma native language, ma name means: Subhasish = Subha + Asish; where: Subha = auspicious (or holy) & Asish = blessings. So my name means: "Auspicious Blessings" or "Subhasish"… hehehehehe )))))
Were you forced to pick this question…? Is there someone really named Hashish out there? Is this legal?
Hi guys, this is Subhasish, who asked the question. Yes, as you guys have rightly mentioned, Matt being a very smart guy successfully dodged the main question. I wished to know whether INDEXATION OF PAGES FROM SITES can become real-time results and not what end-user SERP results. Anyways, a nice answer… thanks all )))
This definitely is a misleading answer, but the question isn't that useful itself.
Although, Matt, you never answered the question, what I would like to know is whether we will ever be able to see a real-time Indexation, or, at least, a much more frequent link: query.
It is a useless question.