The Best Way To Release Music In 2024 // MUSIC MARKETING

The most effective way to release music in 2024. I discuss:

►What Gets Music Fans To Listen To Your Music Music For The First Time
► How You Get The Best Of Spotify & YouTube’s Algorithms
► What Is Consistent Sustained Promotion?
► How Do You Get Fans To Tell Their Friends About You?
► The Optimal Amount Of Music To Release Per Month
► What Is The Consistent Sustained Promotion Technique?
► Why You Should Do The Waterfall Strategy & Release A Full Stack Single

0:00 What Gets Music Fans To Listen To Your Music
1:26 How To Appeal To Spotify & YouTube’s Algorithms
3:31 How To Appeal To Human Attention Spans
6:37 What is Consistent Sustained Promotion?
7:55 Why Being Eventful Builds A Fanbase
10:55 How To Create Word Of Mouth Spreading Of Your Music
11:55 How Often Should You Release Music?
15:17 How To Do Consistent Sustained Promotion
17:15 Telling Stories Around Your Music With YouTube
18:31 How Long Does Consistent Sustained Promotion Take To Work?
19:41 Use The Waterfall Strategy To Drive Streams
21:28 Make A Full Stack Single

►My 60 Day Song Promotion Plan –
►How To Write A Spotify Editorial Playlist Pitch That Works In 2023 –
►Should Musicians Release A Single Every Week Like Russ? –
►How To Do The Waterfall Method-
►How To Do A Full Stack Single –

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Discover the ultimate blueprint for a successful music release in 2023 with this enlightening video. Uncover the keys to capturing the attention of music fans and compelling them to dive into your tunes. Master the art of aligning with Spotify and YouTube’s algorithms for maximum impact. Explore the potency of persistent, ongoing promotion and the techniques to turn your fans into your biggest advocates. Find the sweet spot for monthly music releases and grasp the significance of embracing the Waterfall Strategy for a comprehensive single launch. If you’re an aspiring artist eager to leave your mark in the music industry, this video offers a roadmap to elevate your music release strategy and forge deeper connections with your audience.

#musicmarketing #musicpromotion #spotifymarketing


44 thoughts on “The Best Way To Release Music In 2024 // MUSIC MARKETING”

  1. Well, they are some kind of "zones in the shadow" about your video.

    1. You quoted that artists "disappear", when in fact an artist needs time to create, elaborate, and prepare his/her work to the public. It does not exists any "constant flux of creativity". Hence, it is absolute impossible to upload quality content under such conditions. Even more counting the time to make and edit a video, mastering etc.

    2. The concept of "consistent sustained promotion" works well in the theory. But in the reality, that ubiquity and omnipresence on the social media lead always either to a burnout or ending making stupid thing in order to "be there" as you said clearly in your tutorial. If it´s worth the time and effort put in the whole thing to be paid 500 dollars yearly is a topic to discuss.

  2. I'm following your guide and I'm super excited where it will go. Been doing music for years but just getting serious about it. Read Rick Rubins book too putting with together is gold.

  3. Hey Jesse, killer concept. 2 questions. 1. Should you just be releasing the tiktoks with your song everyday or also put content in to mix it up? 2. If I'm building community and I've got 52k, should I bump my range from 30k to 120k or stay in the 30k-100k range

  4. Hey Jesse thanks again for a great video! Question, I’m paranoid I’ve been shadow banned on Spotify. I don’t have loads of fake streams or anything but one of my songs got put on a playlist that got flagged by Spotify . How do I get back in their good books again if I’m shadow banned?🤔 Is it worth emailing them to get off that playlist or would that make it worse?🤓

  5. When releasing the alternative version, are we releasing it under a “already released” song when submitting to our distributor such as distrokid? Or are we releasing it just as a normal song & skipping the “is this song already released? Yes or no” section

  6. I don't see the WHERE for the marketing traffic? Maybe I missed it? That is, you say to post on YT and Spotify (every 28days) regularly. Then just sit and wait for the algorithm to perhaps kick in? In addition to this one can post the YT link, for example, to FB groups to get traffic to one's YT video(s) and Spotify release. Where else? What else? Thanks.

  7. Dear Jesse, Just wanted to express my appreciation for all of the great "Music Marketing & Promoting ideas & concepts that I plan on using in my upcoming "Itchy & Thunder / When Lightning Strikes" singles & albums. For the past several years I have had the good fortune of tapping into what I believe are some of the best music-related coaches on the planet. And, of late, I include you in that category as well. You have definitely filled in all the gaps to successfully launching & releasing my upcoming music project. For that I sincerely thank you! Upon subscribing and researching your incredible work here on YouTube I intend to utilize your many excellent advice & recommendations. I'll be calling you in the very near future to schedule a consultation. In the meantime, I will continue including your many suggestions from here on your YouTube Channel. Keep up the good work and I'll be speaking with you soon. Again, thank you ever so much. Sincerely, Randy Curry.

  8. I've watched a lot of these videos & have many more to go through. Thank you for this material. I'm starting work on my first music video & then I'm doing your csp with bi-monthly releases for 18 months. 9 songs total Should be a good test run of these concepts, although I'm already convinced it will work since this all capitalizes on satisfying the various algorithms. Should be a few weeks till I'm ready to start the whole process. You'll be hearing from me again. Thanks again.

  9. I just stumbled upon your channel and I'm so happy I did because I recently just released some of my work. As a musician, I took many notes on your series so far, and I will take action! Thank you so much!

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