At WebmasterWorld’s PubCon in Las Vegas, Matt presented a webmaster-focused overview of what Google has done in 2008, and what to expect in 2009. Highlights from the year include improvements to Webmaster Tools and more communication between Google and webmasters.
how old are you?
#codingforkids #not #nor #Kids #orgatec +Explore Google Webmasters – Google+ #sprints in #github-repo here: #USNavy +Platforms Matter – Google+ Bravo Zulu Books #not Bravo Zulu Brewing #not Bravo Zulu #winnerwinnerchickendinner +Preferred Poultry Partners – Google+ Code in #zulu ***** A/B Testing US Secret Services | #US_Secret_Service A/B Testing #US_Secret_Services
"+Coach Z – Google" | JZsee | +1.(740) 964-9905
Watching this video right now reminds me of how far Google has improved their search algorigthm and all the improvementst that they made on their other tools like Adwords.
Kudos to Google for being consistent in updating their system. Cheers!
I love this nerd! He's awesome and easy to understand for us Marketing folk. He provides some really great info about Google.
Open up the up-arrow button on the bottom right corner of the video, and click on the "CC" button 😉
Good video, thanks for the info!
I might watch it again but with the drinking game this time.
Good Stuff
Thanks Matt
GOOGLE CODES IS 000000000000000000
Dear Gentleman Google Expert,
No comment ! is a comment in itself! You must admit! So I thought to make one…
I am glad you come from "KENTUCKY", When I was a student in London I used to go to""KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN ", for lunch, you look like the " GUY" in the picture as the founder of the company, would he be a friend of yours?
As far as the video is concerned, good , I just had ONE drink of TEA , great !
You explain things clearly and very efficiently for everyone….
And by-golly, I WANT ONE.
*The hunt begins*
Buy YouTube and be my guest. ^_^
Dude has one t-shirt.
enjoyed this thanks!
The amount of changes inside Google and the Google index within a single year are always impressing to watch.
Really enjoyed it Matt. Cheers.