Specify image dimensions for better SEO #Shorts

Did you know that images on your website can impact your rankings for Google Search? In this video, we give you one tip on how to make sure your page contents don’t shift around.

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8 thoughts on “Specify image dimensions for better SEO #Shorts”

  1. Google getting salty about a non-problem. Everyone knows a page takes a second to sort itself out. Even Google pages (including search results themselves) do it.

  2. It sounds simple at first… But HOW DO I DO THAT IN A RESPONSIVE PAGE? I'm not aware of the dimensions the image will occupy! I even use the picture element so that it can load different src for different screens (like 100×100, 200×200 and so on).
    How should we fix that then? You guys recommend responsive websites, we then make responsive websites and you complain to us about CLS for not defining the images dimensions?! C'mon…

  3. so how does that work in responsive design? i understand google needs this data so search results are better but it is absolutely not practical for a web site owner. so google is blackmailing us to obey their rules over web site quality. nice.

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