Should I Hire A Publicist For My Music

In this episode I discuss how to make working with a publicist work for you as well as the techniques you need to do to make working with a puiblicist sucessful and the nuances of PR.

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In this insightful episode, we’ll unravel the world of working with a publicist, demystifying the art of effective collaboration to amplify your music career. Discover the essential techniques and strategies that pave the way for a successful partnership with a publicist. We’ll explore the nuances of PR, ensuring that you’re well-equipped to make the most of this invaluable resource. Whether you’re a seasoned artist or just starting to navigate the music industry, this video holds the key to achieving success through your collaboration with a publicist. Join us in this enlightening journey, and let’s make your music career flourish through the power of strategic PR and effective collaboration. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to take your music to new heights – come along, and let’s make your musical dreams a reality!

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11 thoughts on “Should I Hire A Publicist For My Music”

  1. Can you tell us how to find a publicist. Where to look for a publicist. What to expect for pricing and a list of publicists that are good. Also do they have to specialize in the type of music that you make?

  2. Hey Jesse – STRATEGY QUESTION: My rock band has been around since 2014, with two studio albums, two live CD/DVD/Blu-rays, sold over 3,000 units, have an email list of 5,000 fans, performed at festivals and toured internationally, and have sales in 19 countries. We've been on over 100 print and internet reviews/interviews/blogs/podcasts/FM and internet radio stations. For our next album release which has eight songs totaling 45-50 minutes (some are longer because we're a progressive rock band), we are planning a Six-Video single/release cycle, of six weeks each (instead of the eight-week cycle you've more recently talked about). That gives us a nine-month promotional calendar leading up to the album release date. I have a massive spreadsheet of every print and online magazine, blog, podcast, FM and internet radio, YouTube channel, etc. where we've ever been placed, and have been establishing my own relationships with them, so for this next release, we were going to try to save money on the publicist and do all the PR and marketing ourselves. My Strategy Question is this: If we're using this nine-month single/video promotional cycle, WHEN do we send out the physical CD's with the one-sheets for all of the reviews? I know it always depends on the lead times for the particular Medium, but they are all going to be seeing the singles/videos being released. How does this, or does this, change anything with regards to the physical mailing promotion and setting up interviews and reviews for the new album BEFORE the release date? Thank you so much! – Andrew Colyer, New York

  3. My publicist, opened a few doors that I couldn't. And those were clearly ones he had a relationship with. All the cold calls… Were left out in the cold. 😭 Experience, I put that down to (mistakes-lessons etc) 🤔

  4. Bro… you need to chill a bit.. you talk so fast and the information is so dense (i.e. useful) that we can't take it all in. I have to keep pausing the video and collect what you just said.. You need to drop that east coast, 1000 words per minute approach. Being from Cali, I tune out after 5 seconds.. it's like a barrage of information coming at you at a million miles an hour. I may have to watch your video at .5x speed. lol

  5. As you said yourself, "When you are a small act that no one cares about…".lol. that's the bane of 99% of the musicians. You can't get people to care. I find that the music although it must at least be decent doesn't even matter. What people are attracted to is the image of the artist then they will decide whether to like the music or not given that it is at least decent. This is the only explanation for all the pop artists out there. That is, they are more popular for their image than the music. It's very hard to go from unknown to even get someone to give a shit. What I find is that if you are not signed to a major label and already have huge clout somehow, people won't even give a fuck or bother with your music.

  6. Hello! We have seen your video playlist and we are starting to create a strategy for the second album. In the first album we received very good reviews from specialized media and fans but it is taking a lot of effort to get good numbers on spotify. We have learned a lot with your videos and these weeks we have grown very well. As for publicists, do you recommend any? We are Spanish but our market is more for English language listeners.
    Is there a difference in campaigns according to the musical genre? We are of the metal genre

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