PODCAST: Benjamin Lieber On Creating Great Videos, Designs And Music

In this podcast, I talk to Ben Lieber a designer, director, creator, and musician behind the group Marigold. We discuss:
► Creating music videos on a budget that come out amazing
► How to collaborate with artists as an artist yourself
► The different aspects that go into an album roll out’s design and creative direction.
► Behind the development of the visuals creative direction of Seaway’s new album Big Vibe
► How his group Marigold has changed for their upcoming LP.
► Ben’s favorite affordable tools for making creative content

► Ben’s website: https://www.benjaminlieber.net/
► Seaway “Big Vibe” https://www.benjaminlieber.net/seaway
► Barely Civil “Bottom of the Lake” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwYOgocG4Qc
► The Bluechips “Deception” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pV3UfeT9-C0
►Marigold – https://open.spotify.com/artist/3snKRklbclbHPIT9vPfnqu?si=QbzmbYKITveBkWZn55PmBA

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►Leave a comment with any questions you have and I will answer it in a future video.

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In this engaging podcast, I sit down with the multi-talented Ben Lieber, known for his roles as a designer, director, creator, and the musical force behind Marigold. Together, we explore a wide array of intriguing topics, from the art of crafting awe-inspiring music videos on a budget to the nuances of collaborating with fellow artists. We also dive into the intricacies of album rollout design and creative direction, offering invaluable insights into the process. Ben shares behind-the-scenes perspectives on the visual creative direction of Seaway’s latest album, “Big Vibe,” and discusses the exciting evolution of his own band, Marigold, as they gear up for their upcoming LP. Additionally, Ben shares his personal favorite and affordable tools for crafting compelling and creative content. If you’re passionate about music, design, and creative expression, this podcast is a must-listen for a wealth of inspiration and practical advice.

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