My site’s template has multiple H1 tags

My site’s template has multiple H1 tags. Is this a problem? — asks Markus from Germany

Some sites have multiple H1 headings. Is that bad?

We’ll answer that question and give some general tips in this video.

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20 thoughts on “My site’s template has multiple H1 tags”

  1. But couldn't you just modify the look of <h2> / <strong> in CSS for ux??

    To me, it still makes no sense to have multiple H1's because that's like the book's title, with the chapters being H2, and the chapter subsections being H3?

    Even if google says it's fine, I feel like Multiple H1's, if not used appropriately, could flag you for keyword spamming.

  2. So here's a question I've longing to ask. If I use a service like WIX am I going to get all the optimization in terms of a Great H1 built in ? It's the little things that get me ……..Didn't even know about a H1…thx much Great Series and Super Good Talk Delivery….!!!***

  3. Yes John ,Previously it was the issue but now after HTML5, There is no issue because the semantic elements like header, footer, section etc, help representing the hierarchy perfectly and one can use one H1 tag in each such elements safely.

  4. John, are you saying that if you have multiple H1s on a page that it would be helpful (or necessary) to use schema markup so Google understands the main topic of the page?

  5. nice info– thanks. I still have one query,, My blog is showing two H1 tags as it is considering title tag also as H1 tag,, due to which it is showing two h1 tags in the source code.

    is it harmful seo practice and if yes, how to rectify it..plz quide

  6. This differs with Bing. Is that entering the tool for webmaster of Bing tells me that my page has several tags <h1>, hinting that this is not right and must be corrected. Also, mark it as a high error.

  7. Multiple H1's is fine, though these should fit in/around that pages content, having multiple non-contextual H1's is confusing from a user perspective and the same from search. Like a chapter in a novel, H1's should be representative of content.

  8. Thanks for the comments, my friend john, we would like to see more of the videos. The broadcast quality is very nice and it's great to see you. I love Google with you.

  9. My understanding is that H tags aren't nearly as strong of a signal as they once were when looked at individually. Instead, Google looks for organizational patterns with how Headings are used across a page. Botttom-line, don't write for SEO, but present ideas/thoughts on your page in an organized fashion.

  10. Thanks for clarifying that often-asked question, but I assume that even if it is not "bad", it still is a good SEO practice to introduce the main content section with an explicit <h1> that describes and sums ups what the page is about. Once again, the question is more about what is in the <h1> markup, rather than how many <h1> appear in the same webpage.

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