In this episode, John, Gary, and special guests from the Search Relations team Cherry and Lizzi, discuss all the steps and decisions involved in launching the new Google Search Central site and brand. Have a listen to learn how the idea came about, how the website was migrated, how the team approached SEO for the new site, and much more!
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Episode transcript →
Search Off the Record is a podcast series that takes you behind the scenes of Google Search with the Search Relations team.
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This is annoying to the core. Please refrain from publishing videos like these online.
If you know a lot about these folks the goofiness is a little more endearing than annoying. You guys have to understand almost everybody there is a goddamn genius to the fact of her acting like high school kids a little bit funny
Really poor Podcast. These employees need to grow up. I am doing "Gary-things", what kind of stupid childish comment is this?
So the average age of a Google employee is 12 years old?
I'm Gary Gary, SpongeBob's pet 😂
Why do google employees talk like giggly highschool students?
Awesome. 😁 Lol @ Doing Gary Things. Cool that you framed the paper plate Cherry and/or Lizzi.
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