22 thoughts on “Ignore All Streaming Audio Sites EXCEPT Spotify!”

  1. Here’s why Spotify isn’t my favorite for this. Most people don’t have Spotify premium, so if you’re trying to promote it organically (read: sending the link to friends) it’s a roll of the dice as to whether or not it will actually play the song you’re sharing or just whatever song the Almighty Algorithm wants them to hear.

  2. Spotify's internal promo is so good I get tons of streams without serious marketing (after marketing my butt off for years) so I'm dedicating more marketing attention to other DSPs

  3. Thoughts on bandcamp? I've made a few hundred from tapes, cds, and digital sales while having less than 3k streams on the platform. I've gotten about 12k streams from spotifiy, apple, etc and made about $50 off it. I'm in a pretty niche genre so maybe that's part of it?

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