If You’re Not Doing “The Emotional Check” Your Music Is Probably Unlistenable // SONGWRITING HACKS

In this video I discuss how you need to always check that what you make musically has the proper emotion to it that you are trying to convey and that it isn’t just fun to play. I break down:
►How even the most progressive musicians use their emotions to check that their songs are working right.
►How to consider if a part is just fun to play or making an emotional impact in a song.
►How to view your songs from the lens of if they are adding emotional impact.

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►Leave a comment with any questions you have and I will answer it in a future video.

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Hey there, music lovers! 🎶 Get ready to embark on a musical adventure with our latest YouTube video. We’ll chat about something near and dear to every musician’s heart – infusing emotion into your music. We’ll show you why it’s essential to make sure your songs are more than just fun to play. We’ll break down the techniques used by even the most innovative musicians to ensure their music hits all the right emotional notes. Plus, we’ll help you figure out if your music is truly making an impact or if it’s just a fun jam. Join us as we explore the magical world of music, where every note tells a story. Don’t miss out – hit that play button, and let’s make music with heart and soul!

#musicmarketing #musicpromotion


10 thoughts on “If You’re Not Doing “The Emotional Check” Your Music Is Probably Unlistenable // SONGWRITING HACKS”

  1. what tips do you have for doing the emotional check if you've been working on a song for a while? Maybe you've heard the song too many times and you're losing perspective, either compositionally or from a mix perspective

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