How To Tell More Stories Around Your Music // How Popular Musicians Promote Their Music

In this episode I talk about how to continuously promote your music and go further than the standard marketing plan:
►How to think about your marketing beyond just releasing a few singles and hoping for playlist promotion
►The concept of the MEER and how it affects your music
►How Lil Nas X told stories around his mucic through memes to continually promote it.
►Actionable ways you can promote your music beyond just releasing singles and videos.
► The tricks and techniques popular musicians use to promote their music

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►Leave a comment with any questions you have and I will answer it in a future video.

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Discover how to shift your perspective and think about marketing in a way that goes beyond the traditional approach of releasing a few singles and hoping for playlist placements. We’ll introduce you to the concept of the MEER and how it profoundly influences your music promotion strategy. Dive into the captivating journey of Lil Nas X, who harnessed the power of storytelling through memes to continually promote his music. Plus, we’re offering you actionable, real-world strategies to elevate your music promotion game, allowing you to stand out in a crowded industry. Join us in this exploration of the tricks and techniques used by popular musicians to keep their music in the spotlight. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to supercharge your music promotion – come along, and let’s make your music truly shine!

#musicmarketing #musicpromotion


27 thoughts on “How To Tell More Stories Around Your Music // How Popular Musicians Promote Their Music”

  1. First of all, thanks for putting these videos together! I am finding a lot of advice I could use. I am not sure how I fit into this though. I've been making music for a long time. A lot of my music came out over 20 years ago. Now, I'm making connections with many artists through Twitch. These are sincere friends who I really don't want to annoy. Truthfully, I think their expectation was to record their parts and then be finished with it. I wouldn't expect them to have a part of a music video or anything like that. Well, to be honest, I haven't thought of my music as a career. I am retired. But I do have some really good content that have come from these collabs and it would be nice if people could hear it. More than say, 3 listens a year which is what my songs have gotten up until now. So I think telling my story is going to be a big part of this. Telling my story is a lot of what I've done on my Twitch streams. I am thinking maybe I just need to learn to do it more.

  2. I have a doubt.. Do i need to follow the exact order. Cause I think about realeasing music video before releasing the lyric. Is there any explaintion and reason for the order you presented

  3. always going back to this video to remind myself how i can tell more stories visually around my music and build deeper relationships with my audience, thanks Jesse for the gems!!

  4. Seeing your Release-Plan I allways think, that after a One-Screen Release and a Lyric-Video a lot of listeners are a bit fatiqued allready by the song. Isn´t it most important to smash into the brains with the best you got (Main-Music-Video) at first, peak high and then try to keep the momentum going as long as possible? Conway the Machine did a similar release strategy as you praise with his song "John Woo Flick" and i relealised this fatiqueness by my self when the Main-Music-Video dropped, because i allready listened to the song a lot of times. I think it´s one of Conways best songs, but the amount of Youtube-plays are not "very" high. Thanks for your efforts on this channel, I Appreciate it a lot! Best regards from cologne.

  5. Man I absolutely love your videos. Thank you so much. I'm not quite ready for this yet, still have a lot of your stuff to digest here, but I may want to book you for one on one consultation at some point. What's the best way to get the ball rolling there when it's time?

  6. Hello Jesse, thank you for very helpful tutorials.As I'm new in that kind of business don't know where to start at first,what first I should post, what content i shoud make? Please any chance to get an advice? Thank you

  7. on my latest single my marketing friend put me on "telling a story" I keep getting feed back (somewhat good though) saying its very "spacey" as in I don't have a voice or I didn't tell a story. I know what my friends and my mom (fan #1) mean now 😉 I released a simple music video to fill in the gaps where people said it was "spacey" and now I'm getting very positive feed back… Thank you for the blueprint you have been constantly saying in your videos. Huge fan of Jesse Cannon! <3

  8. DUDE, thanks for being so real. I love your content and using all of your help on my next release! I have been so discouraged lately, but haven't given up. Looking for help to try new ways of getting some hype and this has opened my eyes a ton.

  9. I needed this video, and your content is putting me over the edge with that last bit of info I needed to expand!!!! Gonna start doing my song of the day videos for all the weird lofi indie shit I listen to….. 🤔🤔

  10. Keep it up, Jesse. Implementing lots of advice given from you, and when we have acquired enough success, you are sure to be one of the first people we contact. What is your recommendation regarding* growth services for Instagram/Facebook? I know you are not a fan of paid services in music, especially anything not authentic, but we have been talking to a company called "TreeFrog Social" and they have good reviews (claiming they are trusted by MTV & NFL). I'll see you around! thanks again for the info.

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