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Great video!
One of the best videos I have watched from Matt! Will be doing a lot more research now on the site mentioned 🙂
Only 5% of manually penalized sites actually submit a reconsideration request.
Awesome video!
Loved it!!
Such a complicated job explained so nicely. Thanks Matts for the video. Very helpful for #SEO.
This must be good news for little people like me who have to fend for themselves. I'll be satisfied once I learn some of the dynamics that would give my sight a fair amount of exposure. (Without having to be so hotsie-patootsie about 'page rank'.)
Just another useless comment: "Great Video!"
2 Time #toughmudder here myself!
Hey Matt and Google great video. Lots of neat tidbits of information. I especially liked the part about only 5% of the group responding back to you on reconsideration efforts! I also appreciate how over the years you've been more willing to share you information with us web guys. Not all of us are evil and do want to help our clients achieve success with their businesses on the internet. Keep up the great work guys!
Well worth a look!
Love the videos, Matt, always have. But, please, you gotta have close microphoned audio…that room audio makes it hard to hear what you're saying with the room reverb. I know it's a bigger production but it really makes a difference.
Here's a link to the site:
Geez you're getting fat again. Time to hit the gym bud.
Wearing his #ToughMudder shirt, nice! 3-Time Mudder here myself.
Awesome content Matt Cutts
Same website i have seen of googles it was amazing
Great Tips as always. Thanks +Matt Cutts
you may be able to find it 🙂
But what about tough mudder?
Great website, really simple and well designed. Such a great help for beginners like me. Thank you
Seriously Google, why wouldn`t you link the domain to the How Search Works Google page?!
Hello Matt, I want to know how Google handle links to 404 pages? My forum somehow was attacked by pure spam creators so i deleted a whole forum but it was in directory so now my domain shows more than 1500 irrelative linking domains to my site. Should I disavow them? Or Google doesn't take in to count the links that point to 404 pages?
Will definitely visit site…might learn through osmosis 🙂
Very interesting video on how google search engine works with more than 2 changes per day. Great
I'm going to enjoy showing this site to people who believe they only use 'white hat techniques' – Webspam has finally become entertaining!
Very interesting…
Time for google to actually engage with webmasters. You make the tools better all the time but it's impossible for site owners not involved with seo to always adhere to your version of the right thing. When us down here people get hurt by negative seo campaigns, you just don't get it. Why not allow us to disavow bullshit links with a click in wmt rather than having to submit a txt file which may or may not be in the correct format. If we do manage to do that, why not at least respond with a message indicating that the file was received or not and that the format was accepted or not? Hardly difficult for google, but surely useful for us non professional seo people who's only desire is to do good. We're all trying to get to the same place, but we're not all trying to beat you. Help us more Matt. jpl
Your video is a bit over exposed
Or, some of these webmasters have no clue that they have been hit by a manual action from the webspam team. There are a lot of webmasters that do not know how to use webmaster tools or that it even exist. Some people just start a website, hire a SEO company, get hit by a penalty but think they still rank well because of personalized search results.
Trust me, it's not that far fetched. Of all the websites on the web, how many have verified their site with Google webmaster tools?
It's not all spammers that just give up.
$GOOG, I can't believe I actually watched this video. Now I need some #java to wake up…
Good stuff – and I have that shirt! Lol.
Very interesting information on – and I thought I was going to watch the Auburn/Florida State game tonight! 😉
Great fundamentals and updates on How Search Works to understand how complicated the job is. Thanks Mat! Great educational site: #howsearchworks #googlesearch
So embarisingly beginner question. You say you contact owner of a site if you think something is wrong with their site, how do you do that? Is there a pace where I register all the domains I oversee? Are you using whois data?
Thanks for this insight
watched two times…. thanks matt cutts sir
focus on this video?
Another great video Matt Cutts . Going to check out howsearchworks for sure.