In this video, I discuss how to choose platform to sell merch for your music and how to view it depending on whether you have zero fans, hundreds of fans or thousands of fans. I break down:
► How to set up a merch store for free that makes you money
► How Print On Demand POD merch printing helps musicians who don’t yet have fans
► How Shopify, Big Cartel, Printful, Limited Run and Bandcamp help musicians.
Bandcamp –
Big Cartel –
Printful –
Manic Merch –
Limited Run –
Shopify –
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In this insightful YouTube video, we embark on a comprehensive exploration of the nuanced process of choosing the ideal platform for selling music merchandise, tailored to your fanbase size. We provide actionable insights and practical strategies to help artists, from those starting with zero fans to those boasting hundreds or even thousands of loyal followers. The video elucidates the steps to set up a cost-effective, profit-generating merch store, delving into the benefits of Print On Demand (POD) merch printing for emerging musicians who are yet to build a substantial fanbase. Furthermore, we offer a detailed comparison of prominent platforms such as Shopify, Big Cartel, Printful, Limited Run, and Bandcamp, showcasing how they cater to the diverse needs and aspirations of musicians. If you’re looking to monetize your music and engage with your audience through merchandise, this video is an invaluable resource to guide you through the merchandising journey.
#musicmarketing #musicpromotion
Killer channel thanks as always
Brilliant video!
This video seems really helpful for me and I like the way you’re breaking this down for those who have 0 to 50 fans or so. I had GoDaddy for a long time, but had trouble trying to figure out the whole merchandising thing. I think they have a merchandising store now, but haven’t looked into it. I ended up paying a lot for something I didn’t really use much of. I got onto YouTube trying to think of what would be the next best thing and a lot of people are saying Shopify. What I’m worried about is spending $30 a month and not making more than $30 a month.. I don’t know I just want this to work and not pay a lot of money. I’m thinking of bandcamp or Bandzoogle or whatever that doodle/zoodle thing is and using Printful to help out. I have a lot of creative ideas but want to find the right route. Thanks for your help.
Great video, to much talking
number 1. Great video! Thanks for sharing your knowledge and passion.
number 2. I know this was 3 years ago, but I pray to god you threw a level on that TV and fixed it. It's killing me here. 😂
Do you know of some good pin manufacturers? Or some that include distribution?
Good vid thanks!
What is the best piece of merch to sell that you've experienced? T shirt, stickers?
Thanks for the great video Jesse. I looked into Shopify, and at this stage as someone who has only a dedicated local fanbase, this is a huge outlay for us – add to this that we are in Australia, and these options seem to be out of our reach. Drop shipping seems to be much harder for the southern hemisphere in regards to international shipping, returns etc. How about Cargo as an interface? Its much cheaper than Shopify, looks amazing and also easier to manipulate in terms of looks if you want to. I can easily fulfil the orders between this and Bandcamp, is this a better way to go at this stage, and then upgrade as we need it? Thanks again 🙂
Hi, I love your channel! Have you heard of Tunepipe? I'm doing some marketing for an artist who is using Tunepipe for their merch store and for future funnel building. I'm honestly not sure what to think about Tunepipe yet… if they had an integration with Printful that made each merch order feel more automated, I think it could be a great tool. Just curious to know if you've heard of Tunepipe and what you think about it. Thanks!
Thank you! I hope to have a successful music career by following your advice:)
Great video
this is so, so helpful
I need to set up a merch store but I want to use the "FREE" marketing technique – is it possible to set up a "just pay shipping" option through these merch stores?
Always amazing, I'll take a chance at being the lousy contrarian here hoping Jesse will give some thoughts: In the 1-3K type follower level, where a) people like your music and b) but you are doing the following like everyone else lost in a sea of content:
Hey! Stream my new song now! Hey! It's me again! Got this awesome Patreon, please come support me financially! Hey! Here's my new YouTube video, I need you guys to share it and like and comment! Hey, here's my new….
Point being: In marketing, this is called "offer fatigue". I am guessing it's my jaded personality, but IN PERSON it's obvious that it's fun and easy to have a $10 T shirt or something that a fan will buy, but ONLINE, when you're trying to get them to do 10,000 things as they power scroll to the next TikTok cat clip, why would they spend legitimate money on your print-on-demand hoodie to begin with?
In other words, where is the real demand *again outside of physically being in person at a gig where it's a little easier to sell a cassette or T-shirt etc ?
Thank you!
Hi Jesse, I’d really love an updated version of this video for 2022 going into more detail and/or adding to the info provided here.
Thank you so much, great help getting my shit together 🎶💥
Working out merch now and look who tf is the first video in my search results…you're kicking ass Jesse!!
Which Shopify theme would u recommend? I’m thinking of using single music app to sell my music on Shopify directly to fans
printful vs printify?
I can't help but wonder where Jesse is from? Just cause I'm curious and his got a slight twang going on or is it that he mumbles? Can't decide, geez, the suspense is killing me
Thank you very much, just what I needed. Subscribed.
Printful quality is better. Run a Woo Commerce plugin through your WordPress and seek direct off your clean site.
yet another banger of a video. great info for what i'm researching. thanks
Thanks for the great info as always! Question – do you suggest registering as a business prior to selling merch?
Found this information to be very valuable as a podcaster, thank you.
I set up a printful store last night and added a few t shirt designs. I'm trying to figure out how you're actually able to not be at a loss when selling through them. Charging $30 a tshirt will net you $8 in profit. Then out of that you have to cover shipping and any tax. Does anyone have any tips on how to do this without taking a hit?
I hear about T Spring (aI think) from numerous successful merch sellers. Thoughts on them?
print on demand services are so ass but there's just way too much commitment that comes with making a batch
Dude, you are awesome. I have so many questions and it feels like every time I google someone or some company has a motive to make money on their end. Can't blame them. Thank you for the honest and high quality information!!
So we should build our website on Shopify? I was going to build my website on square space and then have an account with teespring (better profit rates than printful).
how do you link a Shopify account to your website or do they do that?
If you don't have any access to good designs, where would you start looking?
Great video! I know what I'll be working on this weekend!
Classical music…
I’m screwed🤣🤣
What POD service would you recommend for US-based artists with supporters overseas in Europe, South America, etc? Shipping itself costs more than the merch if I were to do it myself. Is there a POD that takes care of this issue?
As always, thank you for your incredible videos and insight, Jesse 🙇🙏
I just ordered my set of cassettes in order to sell on my Bandcamp page. I fall in the small fan following (0 – 10 range) and im banking on my future releases to move these products. Very excited for the future!
Every single video you put out is absolute gold. Thank you so much for sharing