In this video I discuss how sampling, interpolation, covering and stealing a melody affect how you enjoy a song versus making sounds no one has ever heard before.
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Explore the intriguing world of music sampling, interpolation, covering, and melody appropriation in this thought-provoking video. Delve into the fascinating dynamics that shape your musical experience, comparing the enjoyment of familiar tunes with the allure of creating entirely unique sounds. Gain valuable insights into the art of crafting original music and how these techniques influence your perception of a song. Join us for an insightful discussion that uncovers the magic behind both the familiar and the unprecedented in the realm of music composition.
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Well said!!
Thanks for making these videos. I have a question: what would you do if your style has familiar qualities and resonates, but is difficult to name?
This is so true you don't even know……
another day; another comment 🙏🏽
I recently did a study on how people share music (18-21 y/o's). I found that visuals on apps like Tik Tok effectively answer the question "what does this music mean."
The younger generations are becoming less patient, in particular when it comes to being delivered the meaning behind music.
So, along with samples, a number of different elements seem to have shifted in order to make the meaning of music more attainable and accessible:
-Use of samples (as you mentioned)
-More repetition (see Gucci Gang)
-Shorter songs (mostly by shortening verses / least memorable sections)
-dependence on visual aids
-dependence on influencers
-Tik Tok and other "challenges," which, by the way, circumvent the need to listen to a whole song to get to the chorus or hook.
-Mixing music to emphasize songs' effectiveness on cell phones and other common, low quality speakers (trap music comes to mind)
Overall, I've found that new, rising artists face a gate keeper effect when trying to be discovered. Gen Z's as such ultra consumers with so much noise around them that most of them don't have the patience to decide what a song means to them on their own. Being asked to listen to new music is considered a chore. So they need the aid of visuals, the push of a social interaction, pure chance (I heard it playing at the gym) or even an activity ("this song could be good for studying" / "I found this on the 'study music' playlist) to get them to listen.
Anyways, this is only partially related but your video made me think about it, so thought I'd share!
Enjoying the vids
Hard truths for creative people you've given here. The environment around people has to be right for them to accept more original and challenging music. Comfort wins over originality in seemingly volatile times. It was the boredom of everyday life in the past that led to people wanting to be challenged musically. The opposite is true today. There's no such thing as boredom in the post internet world. We're over stimulated, afraid and uncertain by and large and the masses crave familiarity as a response. Musical comfort food. McMusic.
Man I love your videos, appreciate sharing such wisdom!