Does a website get a better overall ranking if it has a large amount of indexed pages?
Leah, New York
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quiero que google rparar los herrores de windows.
What if you have many pages with quality content mainly on one subject, from some tests i have done, i think it comes across to Google your SEO is over optimization and you will be penalized and loose rank, and from research i have done for targeting top keywords, less is ranking higher, but i do agree a little what Matt said it can help with boosting other targeting keywords.
Mind*****… it has to do with the lights outside or with the screen he has in front of him at his left side
Again Matt is giving more importance to page rank. If you have good number of authority backlinks, then your site will be rank for sure.
This makes sense- thank you.
TL:DR This is a case of correlation not causation. Many sites with more pages are more likely to have more links pointing to them, meaning they get better rankings.
Does that mean that it is the number of links to pages in a site that determine how many pages Google will crawl to or index?
He just said exactly same thing four times
It's totally different from our thinking. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for stating this so simply Adeel!
There is only one explanation, he is a reptilian!
Can I place adsense on pages containing your videos 🙂
That's Really Great,many SEO's thinks, make more pages that will effect on rank but because that video people can get realty .. recently changes of Google is also the showing the quality……Thanks
Press 2 and 9 back and forth to see Matt's Magical T-shirt in action!
Fes, Morocco =)
viva Moroccooooooooooo …
sorry couldn't help 😀
She didn't ask about "automatic". Matt is being a whole pile of disingenuous here
Ha yeah .. I think he's playing with the guys at The Short Cutts though … Google it.
Both rankings and number of indexed pages increase with links, so there IS a correlation between rankings and number of indexed pages. However correlation does not equal causation in this case, because there's a hidden factor here (links).
That is a video editor either being bored, clever or a bit of both. Its pretty easy to do using the chroma-key function in professional editing packages. They could also have made the shirt disappear to reveal the dinosaur that we all know live inside Matt….
There’s a myth that more indexed pages is better. But In reality the opposite is often true. All else being equal, bloated indexes dilute ranking ability.
I had a case where lots of pages and little links prevented the site from taking off…
Ok, that's clear information!
That is the perfect answer and it has been that way for a long time.