I’m building links, not for SEO but to try and generate direct traffic, if these links are no-follow am I safe from getting any Google penalties? Asked another way, can no-follow links hurt my site?
Tubby Timmy, UK
Learn about rel=”nofollow”: https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/96569?hl=en
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Thank god. I feel something lifted off of my chest.
for external link to my site,what should i do?/ do follow or no follow??
Thank you very much for giving such a valuable information
just one side question, should affiliate or referral links put on ariticles always be set nofollow instead of dofollow?
I hear often from some people in youtube videos that affiliate links should be set as "nofollow". is it very true?
And other question just to be double sure.. if affiliate link should go for nofollow link, then what about "referral link"? They two are considered as the same and any referral link on an article also has to be nofollow?
Can anyone please answer and let me know?? hmm curious to the death
If i have a link on my website linking out which can hurt my SEO, can I add a nofollow tag and will that prevent my ranking from being hurt? It's an affiliate link and I hate to have to remiove them. but my ranking dropped immediately after adding them.. will nofollow fix this?
Should our directory of service providers all be changed to nofollow? If we advertise on a related site, should that link be nofollow? Where is the line drawn?
I saw several videos of of Matt Cutts, and he NEVER answer yes, or no! He sais "yes… but…." Is there any video that answers clearly?
Thanks for the clarification on no-follow links, Matt.
I run a business and advertise in 2 key directories in the UK. I have been doing this for around 10 years. I now see some 50,000 no follow links to my site but my seo recons that I am being penalised by google? Can this be?
Nice Firefox T-Shirt Matt 😀
Matt Cutts makes Google a reality.
NO me interesa en absoluto estar suscripto a esta pagina,agradecido de todas maneras, pero quisieran que me cancelen la suscripcion.THANK YOU.
So that explains why I seen a bunch of comment spam to my site starting on Sept 5.. Almost like someone knew this was coming and started targeting with neg seo.. Hmm
shepard fairey
whats with the ff tshirt?
Same question but change no-follow to follow… You list on a directory to get direct traffic though Google can penalise you for this in it's organic rankings?
Am I the only one thinking about anchor text here? Surely if I have 1000 nofollow "blue widgets" nofollow exact match anchor text links then I'm going to get hit with Penguin for over-optimizing for blue widgets, sure the proportion of nofollows probably isn't any issue unless you are totally abusing it but what about anchor text!?
It's good to have a bit of variation in your links… 90+% dofollow links don't always seem natural for all kinds of sites.
Don't agree on "they have always been completely upfront that nofollow links are totally ignored by their algorithms". You wouldn't need nofollow'ed links while building dofollow'ed ones for SEO, that way.
Sometimes, but I target 90% dofollow. I only really use nofollow for traffic, not SEO.
Do you sell nofollow'ed links as well?
Is Chrome about to take-over Firefox??
Should we read something into that T Shirt Mr Cutts?
Why is there only one Monopolies Commission?
Oh the questions are endless 🙂
It's called "reverse SEO" this is pone form of it anyway. And yes, it works. Thanks for sticking with a flawed algo Google!
0:25 – So now Google is going to penalize people that have a lot of links and are unpopular but not corporations? WTF?
Sorry, didn't mean to sound so confrontational, I just quit smoking…I was just trying to expand on your point.
Not true. They kept hush and occasionally flat out lied about the no follow links from twitter and other social media outlets.
NEVER take anything on face value from Google.
That's that settled then. Again.
Why is Matt Cutt mum on 21st Aug onwards Google Algo Update. Whats this secrecy bsuiness all about?
Matt if the disavow tool effectively makes links NOFOLLOW can these links still harm you if they have been disavowed?
very nice
How many other ways are there?