Hi Matt, does the big G have a version of the search engine that totally excludes any backlink relevance? I’m wondering what search would look like and am curious to try it out.
BlueBumbleBee, Colchester, UK
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What happens to dropped backlinks?
Nice summary pretty much sums up that backlinks are essential.
How do you class a backlink as relevant ? do you base it on the pages content?
So link bulding will survive for ever….
According to Matt Cutts back links are still very relevant to search results.
Interesting thoughts to go with this article: http://www.wordstream.com/blog/ws/2014/02/25/pagerank
thanks matt, morocco is behind you.
I understand Yandex modified their search algo to exclude backlinks. Does anyone know of a great article that talks about there experience?
los backlinks siguen y seguirán siendo importantes, igual hay que trabajar bien nuestros sitios y no abusar de ellos ni crear enlaces basura para que tengan el poder que queremos, saludos
Backlinks still form a significant part of the algorithm
That isn't to say that you should go build a truckload of spammy, irrelevant links. Link relevance is still an important factor.
I get the impression form this that backlinks may begin to carry less weight as time goes by, but for now, they're here to stay.
#SEO #SEOtips
cool panda t-shirt…………..
Amazing information
Hi, i'd like to ask about algorithm. as we all know that google at every country are diffrent (for example .co.id or .co.sg), my quiestion is, are the algorithms are diffrent each country?
Nice Panda Shirt!
Thumbs up if you like Matt's shirt – Haha 🙂
Love the t-shirt Matt!
This clarification by Matt Cutts has put to rest
that citation might be the new ranking algorithm replacing back links by Google. We have to work harder to earn quality back links to our site for higher #SERPs while doing #SEO.
tnq matt
how can I find cheap back links from my website?how can I remove cheap back links from my website?
I love that they are always trying new things internally to give us the best result.