Are sitewide backlinks considered good or bad by Google? Or do they just count as 1 link from the whole domain?
Chris Trynkiewicz, Cracow, Poland
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Thanks for doing this "compressing" of sitewide links and still counting them (but more like a package). I own a big site with alot of indexed pages. The site is about economy, jobs and salaries. At the same time I own a smaller site which is about "promocodes", and since they still touch the same subject (economy and personal finance) I have choosen to just simply link it in the main menu in the top, but last ofc. It sends good traffic that converts well and it also seem to pass some link "power" through it. I was very scared that it would be conciderd spammy but it seems like to counts just about like you describe.
What exactly does Sitewide anchor text and backlinks are?
"Neither confirm nor deny."
See my vids & learn herb as maca,shepherd's purse, dill etc 😉
These are actual facts though, if you look from the manual standpoint,
keywords count but if you're just throwing them out there without strategy, you're at risk.
So if you see a site-wide link that is related, it makes a lot more sense. FansLinks is a good website for fans, links and also organic, on-topic links. This guy knows what he's saying when he uses the polish links as an example. You need relavent keywords that go with your site just as fanslinks website provided. Thanks Chris
I think it clearly suggests that it MAY BE considered ok to have multiple links from a single domain from algorithmic point of view but on manual side it is not ok and Google do make manual investigations too. Further with the new manual spam launched by Google, it would be recommended to avoid/delete multiple links from a single domain especially if they are not in context or if not relevant to the industry. An comments?
nice knoweldge
I hope Matt gives us actual figures next time. The answers clear but it's also gray at the same time. I'm sure a lot of us would like to get a clearer answer as far as when the site wide backlinks will start to become spammy on their end. I mean, this can be quite subjective.
Here you can see that Matt is just putting out bullshit lie after bullshit lie, there is almost no manual checking of side-wide links, it just can't be done… this video is used to scare people… i'll take irrelevant side-wide high PR links pointing to my sites all day every day… no matter what the Mohammed Saeed al-Sahhaf of Goole says.
Ehh I still do not understand. I mean if I own two blogs and both in differend niches… why shouldn´t I place links in the sidebar? Maybe I want to tell my readers that I also have another blog they could visit? I mean they are my blogs and I can show my readers in the blogroll what ever I want or? Or are a small percentage of inbound blogroll links from own sites ok and Matt is talking again about extrems like blogroll links from thousands of domains?
He said doodoo 🙂
I don't think that would be considered spammy because that's a logical link for a website to have.
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If no site-wide link, Can I still depend on the web directories to help crawlers understand my category? or should I engage my website only on social media websites?
Good one.
LOL not my homepage,. the homepage of the sites that have site-wide links to me.. the inner pages of the sites show up when i search if you see they are all inner pages and no home pages.. its really not that big a deal to me i just though it was really interesting..
Not necessarily. The way SEO wannabes operate these days, that comment could get taken as "okay, so put links to my site on one out of every 15 blog posts so that it looks organic." The logic behind the marginal weight of an inbound link makes all kinds of sense as it is explained.
Matt, what about inbound site-wide links from external related sites?
At last question which comes from my beloved Cracow!
Let's watch it again 😉
yeah, the fact that your homepage is not showing up while the other pages are is an example of penguin. You have too many keyword specific links pointing back to the homepage which got caught in the penguin algo (which is page based, not sitewide).
Try 1) changing up the anchor text on your backlinks 2) nofollow the links from the more unrelated websites linking to you
G's position on "developed by" links – they aren't votes by the website owner to your page, esp. when its an unrelated topic
i just asked that same question in the webmaster forum.. i have about 100 sites that have my link in he footer as a developed by,. website design by etc .. they were no help at all.. another thing i asked was why the homepage link never shows up first? i always get the inner pages listed in link:mysite but very rarely the homepage.. which has all the PR.. they said stuff about spamming.. anyone else with an opinion?
I think that one was already answered in a previous video. Check the history.
I would suggest "don't worry". That's my take from this video Julien.
So I wonder how the site that is being linked to is affected? I.e. say you are a design firm and have a logo link to your firm on all the sites you build….
We doodoo. 😛
Yeh, I'm THAT mature…
Generally, if I have a site in a specific domain and we want to "partner" with another site in a similar domain (with the same kind of visitors), what is the best way to do so, SEO wise? We have a "our favorite site" section on each page. Is that considered bad?
hey google
We doodoo