You Are Thinking Of Releasing Singles All Wrong // How To Build A Fanbase With Singles

In this episode I talk about using focus tracks and how to build your momentum by having a strategy for releasing your singles. I this video I talk about:
►Why focus tracks are important to a singles strategy
►How to build your momentum by releasing singles in the right order
►Re-releasing a single you have already released.
►How to build a fanbase by releasing singles.

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Videos I talk about in this episode:
Why You Should Be Releasing More Singles

Consistent Sustained Promotion

How To Tell Stories Around Your Music

If you enjoyed this video there’s a whole playlist of videos just like this

Leave a comment with any questions you have and I will answer it in a future video.

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In this insightful episode, we dive deep into the art of leveraging focus tracks and creating a well-thought-out strategy for releasing singles, propelling your music career forward. Discover the significance of focus tracks in your singles strategy and the power they hold in building momentum. We’ll unveil the secrets to crafting a strategic sequence for releasing singles that maximizes your impact. Learn how to breathe new life into a previously released single, expanding its potential. Plus, explore the art of fanbase building through your single releases. Join us in this journey to unlock the true potential of your music and make each single release a stepping stone toward your musical success. Don’t miss out on this valuable advice – come along, and let’s elevate your singles strategy to new heights!

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24 thoughts on “You Are Thinking Of Releasing Singles All Wrong // How To Build A Fanbase With Singles”

  1. Question for you Jesse. What is your advice for somebody who has never released their first song on Spotify to release a cover? Good or bad idea for getting through that initial three to four song stage? And when I say a cover song I mean a cover song that totally matches up with the genre that the artist is writing in their original works. And doing all of the sustained promotion that you speak of with that cover song and then continuing with the originals. Thoughts?

  2. For debut singles is it even worth uploading a song to distribution platforms far in advance like you would for every other single? If you can access spotify for artists at an expedited rate (pre release) through your distributer, does that potentially change the answer?

  3. Serious question, as far as rereleasing a song with a new mix, is it possible to keep the streams from the old version onto the new version and just replace the audio? Or does it have to be a new version entirely?

  4. You rule man! Thank you for all the very helpful videos. I have a quick question if yr game – I've released music under my own name (Mike Sempert) and had some success with playlists a few years back. Since then, I've been less active in promoting myself (won't bore with excuses as to why). I now have a new album which I'm releasing under a different moniker, Volcanic Legacy. VL has a meager 17 monthly listeners compared to Mike Sempert's 2000+ (also humble haha) , but the musical identity fits better with this sound. Do you think I should release singles as "featuring Mike Sempert" to stay in people's release radar etc? Thanks in advance Jesse!

  5. I have zero fans no music out and still confused about how to release my new single. Can i privately message you to help me personally? I understand it may cost and thats ok as long as it isnt crazy lol my email is.
    Thanks jesse

  6. hey man! Really loving these videos. If I want to put out a single a week (Russ method) and I have say 6 months worth of this, will they cannibalize each other? I'm starting from around 1k fans. thanks!

  7. I'm in a somewhat established band (13k followers on spotify) with an album ready, and wondering — how much time should we put in between singles to make the most of them?

  8. "in that atleast toilet paper makes us feel something" – shots fired, i cracked up hah
    really liked the video!
    question: how would you deal with being a low output band? for example if the style of music you're in does not lend itself to ad hoc writing, so getting songs really done takes a long time, especially if more than one person is involved. Look at other content formats / ideas instead of music to keep the momentum going?

  9. I never comment on videos, but I really felt inclined to. I've been watching and sending your videos to my music buddies. Just wanted to say that your content is super useful, and the information is very high quality. I hope you continue. My mind continues to be blown by the fact that you don't have a huge following yet. The view counts are absurdly low for how good your channel is

  10. There’s a ton of great talking points in here. I’m curious to see if you’d recommend artists with <10k fans to put out tons of covers rather than original tracks? At least that way they’d have a recognizable name to slap on their content for the clicks.

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