Will Google give a higher rank to a website which runs AdSense?

“Will Google give a higher rank to a website which runs AdSense? I’ve seen some SEO Experts” claim this. It makes sense to me as Google is a corporation trying to maximize profit. Although IMO this would go against “don’t be evil”. Which is it?” Nick Y, Vancouver BC

Russian subtitles provided by Mike Shakin.

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17 thoughts on “Will Google give a higher rank to a website which runs AdSense?”

  1. Geez some people can't even think a second for themselves.. The $1 Million Dollar Question is! Why on earth would you rank a good customer to the top? When their paying to be on top! If i was running this shet i'd put Nick on the last page $P DAAAA DAAAAA DAAAAA DAAAAAA The.

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  5. @bigal21110 @christinio @DerAutoschieber there are no dumb questions, only dumb anwers….no offence, but not all webmasters are seo experts and there are many "experts" telling fairytales . So I think it's good Matt choose this item, although I'm afraid DerAutoschieber also has a point here

  6. But it is easier to get into google news. I tried this with several websites with same technical setup but only could apply to google news with adsens on the page. Maybe it is a luky punch but it is a bit fishy anyway 😉

  7. I have seen a lot of guys debating this questions and it's good that these questions gets an answer. It's so easy just to link here everytime someone brings it up again. Keep on rockin' Matt!

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