Why are SEOs and Devs from different planets?

Join Martin and guest Jenn Mathews, SEO manager at Github, for an insightful conversation about problem-solving together as SEOs and web developers. They discuss what happens when SEOs don’t know the answer, the importance of test and learn, problem-solving together, becoming allies, and more!

0:00 – Introduction
1:41- Why are SEOs and devs not on the same wavelength?
4:10 – Test and learn
5:14 – I don’t know, do you?
8:02 – SEOs are under scrutiny
10:46 – Priorities and impact
15:46 – What developers can do to help
21:25 – SEOs, become allies to your developers
26:10 – Learn how to communicate with developers
32:29 – Key takeaways
36:36 – Wrap up

Watch more SEOs & Devs → https://goo.gle/SEOsDevs
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12 thoughts on “Why are SEOs and Devs from different planets?”

  1. I have one developer when I tell him that I need to do "this update" for SEO he just don't want to do it. But ye I think some better todo-list from Google would help and encourage sites to be more friendly in a way 🙂 .

  2. Based on ability and scholastic background, SEOs and Devs might be living in a different planet but professionally, these two can build a bridge together and connect these planets. Figuratively, Devs build the house and SEOs market the house. The communication flow between the two needs to be proactive in a way that they regularly discuss the four pillars – Mitigation. Relationships. Analytics. Product management. Repeat.

  3. In my experience, it helps a lot if an SEO doesn't present the solution to the dev. Rather, explain the problem you're having, and try to come up with a solution together.

    The solution you have in mind may be more complex than you think, and there may be an easier fix that works too. But without having that discussion, you'll never know!

  4. There are 2 HUGE differences with test and learn between Devs and SEOs
    1. Devs after they tested something and it worked, they could always say "Yes I know, I could do this".
    SEO's when they tested something and it works they can't say that because it doesn't always work again!

    2. Devs when they test something they could see instantly if it worked or not
    SEO's when they test something it could take up to 6 months to know if it worked or not

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