Which search feature would you add to Google?

PaddyMoogan from the UK asks: “If you could improve one thing or add a feature to Google search right now, what would it be?”


10 thoughts on “Which search feature would you add to Google?”

  1. Images…I would just LOVE to be able to upload an ACTUAL IMAGE and say 'go find it'…see where it came from originally, what it's called, who is using it on their site etc.

  2. matts sugesstion is very nice indeed and if would like to filter out these crapy company indexs, which just provide the adress of a company and nothing more. I hate those sites, makes it hard to finde the actuall information for a company your searching for.
    This is no SEO … SEO is good content in semantic code. nothing more nothing less.

  3. @yfenniseo In most browsers, something like holding Shift or Control while clicking on the result will open the link in a new window or tab. I don't think it'd be worth adding more icons to the search result page just to duplicate this behavior.

  4. I agree Matt, I've had the same thought. But seeing that extra stuff was how I first began to wonder how google search works, and now Im watching your vids. Thanks for the vid!

  5. My top request (at the moment) would be for something akin to nofollow that actually stops spiders from grabbing the link at all (since nofollow just says they shouldn't assign linkjuice, but they may still follow it). I've got cases where I have many links with varying CGI strings going to the same base page, and some I want followed and some not (in such a way that neither robots.txt nor Paramter Handling entirely cover) .

  6. Good idea definitely. With regards to site trustworthiness – there is a Firefox Plugin called WOT (Web of Trust). It is simialr to what you are explaining. However, it doesn't reflect the trustworthiness of content on the site, instead sites are rated based on the users experience. Its a good tool for knowing for example what sites phish or spam, or are generally not to be trusted.

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