What are the top 3-5 SEO areas where webmasters make the most mistakes?

What are the top 3-5 SEO areas where webmasters make the most mistakes? How can we do better on those?
Warren Redlich, Boca Raton, FL

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40 thoughts on “What are the top 3-5 SEO areas where webmasters make the most mistakes?”

  1. There are a lot of agencies who sells you "First position in the search results", like a shortcut, like a magic wand. How truth could it be? What if you pay for that but your site has not a good html structure??? Still magic wand works?

  2. Companies put so much effort into backlinking that they limit themselves to not doing real marketing of their company. Just following what this guy is saying has produced the same results as a $1500/mo backlinking campaign.

  3. Hey Matt, I love the Panda, pengiun and other Gogle Updates 🙂 Years ago I used to provide Local and Small Buiness SEO services and couldn;t compete with the 1000,s of Spammy Links the cheap Indian SEO companies were using. Now those companies are offerig a new way to get around the New Rules, but it's so much easier to explain why fewer qality links and Engaging Content is a longer term Strategy and their willing to wait for results (and much easier to convince them that Link Farms and poorly Spun, unreadable content is damaging their reption rather than improving it).
    1 question though, I promote a UK based eCommerce site which has a link from a similar site based in Holland. It get's plenty of clicks, but no sales and the Bounce Rate is very high since the postge costs make it innefective to buy from the UK and have it delivered to Holland. Does this hgh bonce rate affect my rankings now, and would Disavowing the link solve this problem? I could also ask the Dtch Webmaster to set the links to No-Follow. #any sggestion?

  4. Question: Assuming that everyone are aware of the mistakes in SEO engineering and also is doing the right improvements for better SEO results, how then google will rank pages? I mean, if there are too much sites which are doing everthing right for a good ranking, how google will handle it?

  5. Great video, but for small business like myself, would be really helpful to know some of the free resources you are talking about. I am not a developer or website builder, not everybody can afford to pay marketing and a website developer/builder.

  6. Another mistake which Webmasters can make is by not utilizing Google Webmaster and Bing webmaster as a tool to monitor their website. These two tools will give you great insight into your own website. It will help you identify technical issues and various other issues.

  7. You need high ranking in Google? See this site first. Absolutely recommended. Just try every step to make your site to be the first rank on search engine.  Search "speed rank seo" on Google.

  8. I think naming the channel Google Bushbeaters would be more accurate. Oh look, Google Bushbeater just posted a new video "How To Say Something and Not Say Thing at the Same", yay!

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