SEO for startups in under 10 minutes

Maile Ohye from Google advises your startup as if she had only 10 minutes as your SEO consultant.


46 thoughts on “SEO for startups in under 10 minutes”

  1. It was unexpected to find so many valuable pieces of information under 10 minutes. It is always go to listen this information from source. 10 minutes Maile Ohye = 1 hour of John Mueller or Matt Cutts 🙂

  2. Folks, part of the Google business model is to squelch independent sites and make them hard to find without going through some kind of directory page first. If you have a main stream business like a hair salon or an auto repair garage, business, Google will keep you out of sight no matter what you do.

  3. That is the most excellent "classic" introduction and a blissfully sweet change from "Hi Guys – Whassup?" I am, in fact looking for examples to use for a tutorial about making YouTube Videos and this is an example of how to do a quick introduction properly. (I've bookmarked this to watch later when I have time to absorb it properly, but the intro works very well. I may even subscribe, on the basis that this individual is clearly a professional.

  4. I found the typographical information very hard to follow. It is hard for some people to read moving information. It would be one thing if it were a quick animation to the display point but this extended slow motion was hard to follow. The slowness made it seem like I was dizzy and I can see how people would get nauseous. As a result, I think the views for this video have been stacked a little low.

    Just like networking in having the attractive link selection and typographical wordplay it is also important to have positive personal networking. If I watched a video on the web and felt Dizzy or Nauseated because of an effect I don't think I would recommend anyone I know to watch that video.

    The reason I am informing you now is that this is the first video of yours that I have watched. I am hoping that this is either an early video in your video creating career, so that you can view this as constructive criticism or for the same reason it is a newer effect. This is merely a suggestive critique. I hope you view this information and take it into consideration for future videos.

  5. But what we experienced is that SEO is not an overnight game. Like when we take projects, we generally make sure to our client to give us at-least 3 months to show results (If they are startup owners).

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