In this video of the JavaScript SEO series, Webmaster Trends Analyst, Martin Splitt shares how to make your Vue.js app discoverable in Google search by using descriptive titles, descriptions, and URLs in the vue-meta.
Check out vue-meta on Github →
Learn more about Vue.js server side rendering →
Get started with the hybrid rendering via Nuxt.js →
JavaScript SEO is an entirely new series on best practices and SEO for JavaScript.
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Any updates of this? Because the optimisation for all js libraries are still really bad compared to just use Laravel Blade files….
Would using Nuxt.js be a good way to do server side rendering?
Thank you, Martin.
আমার ফেজবুক সবজনিক
2:25 great explanation of how google indexing the spa
Thanks Martin, it's really helpful for me..
good one
This series and the whole channel where a real real real help for me developing a (hopefully) good SPA! Thanks alot for these insights 🙂
As I got deeper in to the topic I'm really interessted in learning more. <3
In case of WordPress and WooCommerce – Dynamic Rendering is not an "alternative" but the only reasonable way to go! It allows you use the window object in your components and enables you to SELL your themes! With nuxt.js you can't offer a plug-and-play theme which works out of the box as all the other themes out there.
That's the reason why I've build the Wue Theme – Vue.js + WordPress Single Page Application Starter Theme using the suggested Dynamic Rendering Implementation_
It gives you a solid framework to start with. Actually it seems to me it's currently the best available open source Vue.js WordPress Theme with fully SEO support. On the top of this it gives you Hot Module Replacement inside PHP templates.
Do you know that other Search Engines exists? Yep, they are! And they can't parse JS rendered content as Google can! SSR is the only way to have SEO for SPA.
Thank you Martin.
Great video Martin! I would love to see more of them. I have one question though. Wouldn't the first type of crawling cause a yoyo effect on sites that don't pre-render? First crawler sees an empty page, second sees the JS, first again sees nothing etc..
Thanks for the amazing video, is the band 3 in your hand "Just curious " 🙂
Thank u for this awesome video