I’ve used Blogger for 3 years, but now everyone tells me that WordPress is superior for SEO. After scouring many sites, I’ve been unable to find the SEO advantages to using Blogger – are there any?
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Thank you so much. Do you recommend wordpress on my hosting or wordpres.org for blogging?
Why don't google remove those shortcomings of blogger
Thanks mate. Very well put…
Migration to my Blogger Site WordPress site will cause problems in Webmaster Tools?
this was like asking a mcdonalds employee what the best fast food hamburger is and they tell you about how good the big mac is but when they are hungry they eat a whopper
OK, but he works for google
I hope this helps https://talktosekki.blogspot.com/2017/03/blogspot-vs-wordpress-is-blogspot.html
Great! Just what i have been looking for.
What doesn't make any sense that, there isn't any app for blogger on Iphone ios!
Guys, better SEO is about content. only content.
my most prominent question to Google Webmaster team is… WHEN BLOGGER IS GOING TO UPDATE … its template editing, post editing, its widgets… I think it should be updated to something new with fresh technology like Google is updating its other platforms including recent updates in Gmail, Gapps, and also Google console. …
Thx for nothing, again, Matt.
This is an informative video but something was left out: WordPress also has a self-hosting version which, like Blogger, is in the cloud and FREE for anyone to use. The video is informative and helpful but a little misleading as it does not mention about the self-hosting WordPress version.
There is a difference between WordPress.com, a blog web hosting service provider and WordPress.org, open source self hosted software. The .org software provides a ton of versatility but the .com option is a lot like Blogger. For blog web hosting, I think Blogger is better than the WordPress.com option. Plus, Google owns Blooger so why would they not like to see you use it?
Basically he didnt give answer to this question and its understandable because he works for Google.
I Saurabh Singh Chauhan used WordPress and the site was hacked a year ago. I still use WordPress, but with caution.
Sorry, are you comparing Blogger with WordPress.com or WordPress.org…or does it matter?
yeah whatever you win, I don't use blogspot anyways so its not my problem I don't see why anyone would want to either
Did you even watch the video? Nothing you just said is supported by Google. You basically just made that up because that's what you want to believe.
Look dude, There is absolutely NO FACTUAL evidence that Google favors blogspot subdomains over any other. People have been passing around this bad information for years and it is simply NOT TRUE no matter how many excuses you come up with to try and support it.
well duh because seos don't use them since if their site was to become successful they wouldn't actually own it or have much control thus making it almost worthless. That's why most sites hosted on blogspot are personal/spam related types. If you did a case study it will be a little bit easier to rank a blogger blog than say a fresh domain.
It all goes down to what you do to better your SEO. Regardless if you're at blogger or WP, if your SEO efforts are crappy then it won't really make any difference. I have to say though… I've been a WordPress user for the longest of time.
blogspot domains carry a high domain authority which plays a role in se ranking so you will get a higher ranking if your site is hosted on blogger.
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