When analyzing rankings for highly competitive keywords in our industry, we have found sites not as optimized as ours is (on-page), that have few links & little content are still ahead of us. What gives? Why are ‘unoptimized’ sites ranking so well?” Polyana, São Paulo, Brasil
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Russian subtitles provided by Mike Shakin.
Thank you for sharing your ideas. This is very helpful.
I have seen total crap sites with nothing but advertising and little content at the top of my search results many times
how can I post a question for Matt Cutts ?
I think this is more of a "welcome to the jungle" scenario where you have some 600 locksmith businesses in organic + places results, and only 20 of them are registered and pay tax. Also, in some niches I found Google to be overwhelmed by new (micro)sites who ride the wave and outrank other, older sites until they run out of credibility and are thrown at the bottom on the queue. The new sites generate £££ whilst being in the first results, and the other sites are there to check on their "technical/on-page seo/backlinks/social media marketing" like a silly Ford T Model on a motorway. As a business owner, you tell me which one's the best avenue to follow to see a return on your investing in a web site / presence.
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i was working on a site (site of camera product) the site was ranking on 1 in serp but in next weak its ranking get down on reached on 24.. i had published only 10 article in that weak with inner page of site..
can any one tell me what happen to my site and why it ranked down
Try me 🙂 Ask a question
There are definitely a lot of factors to consider when it comes to ranking a site. Sometimes it's just plain old content. As they say… "Content is King" and it has been since the beginning of SEO.
Google would never tell anyone if they take into account the bounce rate, since that would involve using GA data in an unfair way and could easily backfire at them. Truth of the matter is: spammers will outrank your site unless you have a pretty good architecture, valuable content and use advanced white hat techniques. What Matt won't tell you is Page rank is about to be ditched for Author Rank. Don't content yourself with good content, focus on awesomeness and you will be fine !
Cheers mate
@tncxrkx yep i agree. i have been searching for a solution to build many back links for my sites. But the best thing when i started using this link building software that, i ddnt need any help at all to set it up. if you wanna try just try now : bit.ly/IhAwZi?=zvicoz
Great help!
I couldn't agree with Matt more! Content and Backlinks are KEY!
I totally agree with your Matt, that's where your Panda algorithm gets its brain.
What about the following factors to rank a site:
– average time on site
– bounce rate
Aren't those factors very important to assess the quality of the content of a page?
It's a typically oversimplified answer as you'd expect in these videos. Age of domain is factor that can mean higher ranking for much poorer sites, over well optimized and well made but much newer sites. Thus, the backlinks might also be older and more authoritative as well.
@MalMilligan (lol) I'm sure he didn't intentionally try to dis Yahoo. But it's fun seeing so many insane SEO's playing Matt's statements over and over again like it's the cold war and they might be able to glean a little more of the secrets of the "Algorithm" by over analyzing every sentence Matt utters.
OMG Matt spammed Yahoo calling it "Yahoo Link Explorer" instead of "Yahoo SIte Explorer." W O W !! Whenever I was to dis someone I mis-pronounce their name intentionally.
Now this was a disappointing answer! site:link doesn't give all the results! @google #fail. On the other hand he does point us in the right direction: links outweigh content, but I guess we all knew this already…
…"tradition"… yeah right pull the other one.
chances are that the domain above has a keyword in the URL or has been online for longer IMHO
What a silly question … you wouldn't expect a turbo-charged Nissan Micra to beat an off-the-shelf Porsche either, would you?
Nice that the background is always matched to his shirts 🙂
Does that mean if we type in the Google's Search Box for the command "link: SITEURL", we do not the complete backlink lists from Google's results?
That was easy one to answer. 😉