How To Do A SWOT Analysis For Your Music To Plan Your Music Promotions

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Unlock the power of strategic planning for your music promotions with a comprehensive guide on conducting a SWOT analysis tailored specifically for musicians. In this illuminating video, we walk you through the process of assessing your music’s Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats, helping you make informed decisions to boost your music career. Discover how to leverage your unique strengths, address weaknesses, seize exciting opportunities, and mitigate potential threats. Don’t miss this opportunity to supercharge your music promotion efforts with a strategic approach that’s tailor-made for your musical journey.

#musicmarketing #musicpromotion


28 thoughts on “How To Do A SWOT Analysis For Your Music To Plan Your Music Promotions”

  1. maybe for the assignment you could have been a little more clear, like, First I want you to do the swat analysis, keep it simple only do max 1- point each. Step 2, focus on your threats and oppertunities first, etc.

  2. My girlfriend is a musician and has been holding onto an album she did with warner music for a long time. She keeps thinking she needs a ton of money for marketing but I think the music speaks for itself. How to you help an artist get out of their own way?

  3. Great vid but a bit of feedback is its very distracting for the viewer if you dont maintain your eye contact with the camera and keep looking away, i dont know if you are reading bullet points or looking at yourself. I invested in a teleprompter for this reason its on amazon $99 well spent you put your ipad or phone down flat and it reflects the text onto glass infront of your cam! Just a tip! Thanks!

  4. hi Jesse, thanks for all the great content it's helping a lot.

    at one point circa 2015 I used one of those apps to follow a lot of people on Instagram so that they would follow you back and I got around 15k followers that way. Then I stopped promoting myself on IG entirely for years and the follower count decreased to 8k..

    I'm elaborating a release plan for my next singles based on what I've learned from this channel

    Do u think I should keep using my IG account with 8k even tho the engagement is almost null? Or start fresh with a new account?

  5. You’re videos are helping me gain some confidence and release music. I’m not sure I have any “opportunities”. Video all about creating/finding opportunities?

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