In this episode of AskGooglebot, John Mueller covers whether migrating a website’s hosting location to another country affects SEO, what kind of practical effects larger geographic server moves might cause, and the two ways to target users in a specific location. Watch this video to learn about the effects of servers on SEO!
Useful links:
What is a site move? →
Understanding page experience in Google Search results →
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fullname: John Mueller;
Hi, I dont have the geo-targeting in GSC
Thank you John. I usually hesitant to host the site. my favorite hosting provider is located on another country.
Brilliant help my friend..this is excellent.
I'm going to comment huh well for what it's worth I don't care what you're doing it doesn't matter cuz obviously you have never even thought of asking me if I wanted to join you in any of this so obviously you didn't want me in this so that tells me I'm not probably what you want so
Why Server error (5xx) in Search Console? When Website is working Properly.
John brings it all into focus.
How could we ask Google bot?
I have a question, why doesn't Google filter properly for websites that use expired domains. such as old backlinks on the domain are not relevant to the newp web content?
loving this short video format! thank you 🙏
Can also talk about downgrading from a higher package to a lower package. Because lately Google crawls my pages slowly but last time it would only work in 1 or 2 days please explain. From Uganda, Africa
Thanks a lot.
Great Information from Google .. Thanks for such information provided
Love this John because I've had people insist that to rank better in Ireland, you should also use Irish based hosting (which you have no guarantee the servers are based here anyway).
I'm going to post this in the WordPress group.