How many links on a page should we have? Is there a limit?
Seda, London
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Does no follow links affect on your rank as well as SEO?
still relevant?
Is that number for outbound links or links to inner pages or both?
I removed the top drop down navigational menu links because I thought it was best to reduce the links to under 100. After reading you have confirmed that it's not classed as bad, so would removing these have had the opposite effect on my site? I guess search engines would have lost the additional keywords? Also I tried to ask via the matt cutts blog but it thinks I'm a spammer which I'm not so could you help with this please? Thanks Dean Johnston
How many links on a page are just too many? According to Matt Cutts "Google won’t penalise your site just because a page has over 100 links.
However, the webspam team will take action on your site if your page has way too many links and just looks really really spammy."
Learn more about how many links a page should have and whether there is a limit or not.
I think it's incredibly interesting how who you follow on Google+ will influence search engine results. #SEO #SEOtips
Wouldn't it be great if Webmaster tools just said "use common sense". Having 100 links on a page with 1000 words would be crazy. Having 100 links on a page with 100,000 words makes sense.
Hey Matt,
Thanks for explaining the Pagerank distribution. We know that using inbound linking to our articles on our site improves our user's experience, but it was a nice reminder to keep it at a reasonable rate. I've seen too many times when people have links EVERYWHERE in their article. It just looks bad and in my opinion decreases the user's experience.
i have an for me important question. as webdesigner i want to link to my customers site from my portfoilio. what happens if i link the customers site back to my webdesign-website? will it look like illegal backlink-trade or can i do this to gain more potential customers from the visitors of my created customer-website?
Awesome, thanks Matt.
Now, 101 or more links on a page is not a worry as Google bot is now stronger and more powerful. The only concern is the links must exist in a natural way to show substance, value added services. But again there is a hitch. The PR gets divided by the number of links. Hence, the higher the links, the lower amount of link juice would flow to those linking pages. So, for a better #seo we need to have only those links that we need the most. But here is a question, do we make policy, terms pages as no follow to save the link juice?
Hi Matt,
I am not sure where to ask a question and if it is the right place…
I just want to know, how can I find the associated Email Id from a Google analytic code (UA-XXXXXXXX-1). Is there any way to find?
I have a client who have an analytic code installed on his website but he don't remember the email from which this analytic account was setup.
Please help. It will be great if anyone could answer. Thanks
Sunil Verma
New Delhi
It seems that the web is evolving towards an organic grown more than ever. The fact of divide the PR based on the total number of links developed for a specific page (URL) is a huge move and prevent the spam in a great manner! Very clear and useful response shared by Matt Cutts by the way…
Good to know some changes concerning on-page links is being addressed.
no. of links depends on their relevancy on the page….we should go for that relevancy instead of stuffing the page.
No hay problemas con el número de enlaces si no son span para Google. Por ejemplo los medios de comunicación su portadas tiene cientos de enlaces y se posicionan bien porque son noticia sde calidad y tiene un buen PR.
Did he say PageRank flowing through links? And PageRank being divided by the amount of link on page? OMG, PageRank still exists! lol
I thought page rank was discontinued?
Thanks Matt Cutts for share useful information.
we already know this…
For Page Authority (PR) it's important indeed to manage outlinks but E-commerce sites do not realize that from my SEO consultation experience. So nice to share that with us as a proof and love the pin behind Matt Cutts Fes is the best !!
thks matt but can you looking for a french friend to have a french translate….
I have an index page with about 360 links. Basically it's a list of plants that grow in the Death Valley area for which I have pictures and info. I provide alternate ways to sort the links to the plants, but I think the natural thing to do is to provide a main page with links to all of them.
this topic already covered a two years back, and someone counter with Yahoo site.
Duplicate Content Matt! Come one! 🙂
It appears, as long as it makes sense to the user, for those links to be there, then its safe to say those links are ok with Google. Gotcha! LINK LINK LINK.
At least the rule of thumb 100 is gone, with all these complexe menu's and websites it is really hard to keep it below 100 links. As a SEO person I knew complex menu's could harm from a SEO point. But always ruled in favor of userfriendlyness if I felt it gave the consumer the best experience. So at least less headache! Thank you Matt for this video.