JavaScript: SEO Mythbusting

In this third episode of SEO Mythbusting, Martin Splitt (WebMaster Trends Analyst, Google) and his guest Jamie Alberico (SEO Product Manager, Arrow Electronics) discuss the issues of JavaScript in the context of SEO, such as:
Where do misconceptions about SEO & JavaScript come from? (0:00)
Is JavaScript the devil 🙂 ? (1:56)
Lazy loading in search (5:11)
Ajax, SEO, and crawl budget (5:36)
Googlebot & JavaScript (8:21)
Is pre-render always the best solution? (10:48)
What are the user benefits of implementing JavaScript SEO well? (12:38)
What should SEOs look for in a website solution stack? (13:33)
Recommended testing tools for JavaScript SEO (15:10)

Documentation mentioned in this episode:
Search-related JavaScript troubleshooter →
Lazy loading in search →
Crawl budget →

Next week, look forward to the fourth episode – Web Performance: SEO Mythbusting.

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20 thoughts on “JavaScript: SEO Mythbusting”

  1. This is the most relevant chat I've ever heard around my site's architecture! Thank you for making the complicated digestible on the topic of JS SEO! We've got a long way to go, but every day we work toward making it better.

  2. I wonder, could I conclude from this that SSR and SSG to achieve SEO is like using shotguns to kill mosquitos? I always wondered whether cached JSON API responses (or even pregenerated and thrown on a CDN) and URLs that also work if you directly surf to them aren't just as good for SEO. I'd love to have that view confirmed if it's true or contradicted with a great explanation why SEO would suffer 🙂

  3. I was surprised (not unpleasantly) about it being better to wait a bit longer, but have the page more fully delivered. I'm sick of pages that are so focused on FCP that they are constantly rebuilding themselves as I try to engage with the content.

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